RMC Strata-Loop
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Track Description
Following the merger of RMC and Larson, people could only wonder with baited breath what could come from the melding of such innovative minds. What could be accomplished with the ever-changing technology of RMC, and Larson's perfection of the concept of the vertical loop? The result was almost obvious in it's ground-breaking nature: The RMC-Larson Loop! Somehow, with the structural engineering and use of reliable LSMs, Larson have outdone their 100ft Giga-loop, that shocked the world upon it's debut, with the new Strata-Loop! Which, as its progressive name suggests, stretches a vertigo-inducing 110ft into the sky, and reaches a top speed of 60mph.

This blockbuster attraction will be coming to all major Six Flags Parks soon!
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Track Detail
By changa
Uploaded Apr 26th, 2023
Simulation NoLimits Coaster 2
Track Style Hybrid Coaster (Launched)
Category Realistic
Downloads 24 Who Downloaded This Track
Ratings 0
Likes 1
Additional Stats
Track Length 0 feet
Max Height 0 feet
No. of Inversions 0
Top Speed Reached 0 mph
larson, rmc