a e s t h e t i c Key in the 2000s aesthetic that this ride carries is the station building and surrounding support structures. We took heavy inspiration from the Black Mesa research facility from the 1998 game Half Life 1 (keen-eyed people will notice that the newspaper at the top of the thread is dated to the release of the game). The buildings feature imposing, metal texture with pipes so show that this is definitely a working and active site, run by a technology company at the forefront of global development. The basic storyline is that Aether Systems is a technology firm specialising in the design of transportation systems. With the basic design of LSM elevators under their belt (as can be seen in the park and the news article), they went on to use this technology to attempt to design a sleek new transportation system known as
Paradigm. After the testing of Paradigm proved ???inconclusive???, they went on to produce Paragon, with the findings of Paradigm still in mind. The area is designed to act like a public test site and has basic amenities that enable the area to be functional for public use around the clock. The ride felt somewhat empty in previous iterations so after some consideration, we elected to add onboard audio to the ride (video coming soon) and tie it into the theme somehow. With assistance from Joseph Pojunis, we decided to add a radio broadcast tower near the site which would ???interfere??? with audio transmission going to the test vehicles during the ride cycle.

The EnvironmentAs for the surrounding area, we wanted to have the ride situated next to a lake surrounded by steep, wooded hills. This lead us to develop the terrain that is around the ride, heavily inspired by the Welsh hills. Next is the functioning train we implemented as part of the story of the ride, as a way of getting test participants and staff to Atlas Lake, a remote facility in [REDACTED], North England. This used the train model from the sketchup warehouse from user MasterChief and the tunnel and associated area from Element115. The surrounding area is also being used by the US Military for high-speed jet testing (much akin to the Mach Loop in Wales), hence the inclusion of an F16 jet periodically flying past. We thought these additions would make the ride area feel a lot more dynamic rather than just sticking a coaster down in a greenfield.

So that's Paragon's development summed up, if we have left anything out that you would like to know about then let us know, we will be ???happy??? to oblige (the file takes a good 10 mins to load at this point). Please be aware that we are doing another post for the details, uploading a future POV featuring the soundtrack and (hopefully) releasing the project once we have optimised it a bit more.