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A new Coaster Poll

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Post December 8th, 2012, 12:23 am

Posts: 1536
Points on hand: 2,597.00 Points
So first off, I have not been as active lately here because I am back at school instead of on internship, but I do check in here regularly.

Second, I'm not exactly sure what the view of COASTER-net is by the folks of this site, but I have been doing blogs etc. over there since Spring and I am having my role increase over there and I encourage you guys to check out some of my blogs.

That being said, we are attempting to do a Coaster Poll over there and are doing a bit of a "Bracket Challenge" contest to go along with it that will line up with March Madness. We are using a program in Excel I made that removes the bias towards common rides (Like Millennium Force or Magnum XL-200 for example) and ranks them more fairly, similar to how the Hawker poll works. Details can be found in our thread over at C-net. ... ntry253970

I'd like to personally invite anyone who would like to submit a spreadsheet/ranking to be included, because the more the merrier, and you don't even have to create an account to vote, just if you wanted to participate in the contest! All votes should be e-mailed to my C-net address in that forum topic so that the results remain completely hidden until the contest.

Keep in mind this is not AT ALL meant to be a request or an advertisement (don't we all hate those?), but this is something fun that we want as many people to be a part of as possible! I thank all of you in advance for checking it out and helping us to have some fun with coaster rankings!

Post December 8th, 2012, 2:06 am

Posts: 2077
Points on hand: 4,765.00 Points
Location: Canton, Massachusetts, USA

Post December 8th, 2012, 2:38 am

Posts: 1536
Points on hand: 2,597.00 Points
Yea actually haha. We just started a Haunt related website in the fall that is currently a work in progress. We also have some other stuff up our sleeves for the near future. This poll is less about the site itself and more about just trying to get a ton of people to vote and take part in it. I would never advertise stuff site related on another site, but this is about letting people voice their opinions and having some fun with it.

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