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Dive Machine V2

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Post June 27th, 2005, 5:42 am

Posts: 66
Points on hand: 2,861.00 Points
Location: Boston, Massechusetts, USA
I have been working on V2 of the B&M Drop Coater trains. This is not just putting the Sheikra panels on the car either. This is a total redesign, thanks to some good photos of the cars. Better looking, more accurate and less polygons. All 3 versions of the cars will be modeled. So far, just about all the modeling is done except for the front car body panels.

Alnong with the V2 cars will be a new station or two, and by popular request, I am going to make a catwalk for the cars that you can manually place along the track, and I will make it in a few different colors.

Also I havew been writing a tutorial on HOW to model and make the train from start to finish. This is a step by step of how these cars were made. I have finished the first 4 chapters, yes, chapters which include an Introduction of Max and 3D Modeling, and then the creation of the seat back, seat pan, and the seat supports/restraint cover. I have taken over 300 screenshots and images from max for use in the tutorial(s) so far. The tutotial will be available on the web and for download.

Progress is coming quickly, and I may release the trains and what I have done for the tutorial long before the tutorial is finished. It takes a long time to write. I can keep updating it on the web though, so it is not a big deal.

Post July 30th, 2007, 8:53 pm

Posts: 160
Points on hand: 332.00 Points
Location: Euless, Tx, USA
Are you still making it because I would like to see it happen. [:D]

Post July 31st, 2007, 4:20 am

Posts: 1830
Points on hand: 3,960.00 Points
Location: London, United Kingdom

dude... just like the other topic.. its like 2 and a half years old

Post July 31st, 2007, 9:57 am

Posts: 289
Points on hand: 226.00 Points
Location: Brooklyn Center, M.N., USA

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