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New Woodie In SM

Discuss anything related to Scream Machines!

Post December 28th, 2011, 1:29 am

Posts: 72
Points on hand: 4,117.00 Points
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
After a little bit of downtime and a need to practice S-bend and steep drop-to-flat turn transitions, I finally made a new coaster! [:D] This coaster was mainly a practice track for making B&M Hypercoasters, which I fail HORRIBLY at making. I haven't done any terraforming yet, but here are a few screenshots:

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Also, I have a slightly important problem: a name. I haven't had a remotely good idea, so I need you guys to help me out. If I like one of the names you guys give me, I will most likely use it. I PROMISE I'll Give you credit, right at the top of the description.

Post December 28th, 2011, 1:51 am

Posts: 482
Points on hand: 4,334.00 Points
Location: Clarksburg, New Jersey, USA

I may not be good on names either but you can name it Microburst, Wood Zoomer or Storm Chaser.

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