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No Limits coaster request

Discuss anything involving No Limits Coaster Simulation.

Post April 28th, 2003, 9:45 am

Posts: 9
Points on hand: 2,809.00 Points
Location: Canada
This following coaster was my first ever to ride on in real life. i'm wondering if someone would be interested in taking it on as a project. ... p?Manege=1

There is some video and photos on the page that should be sufficient to complete it. I'm not very adept at making coasters yet, so i'd be ever so grateful if someone wanted to give this a go...


Post April 28th, 2003, 5:21 pm

Posts: 2052
Points on hand: 4,906.00 Points
Location: USA

Welcome new guy,[;)]

Sounds fun! I'll join in on it. But first, is this like a group project or is it something you want someone to do for you?

Post April 28th, 2003, 5:45 pm

Posts: 2052
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Location: USA

This will be exactly like B:TR,New Orleans. Now are we talkin' full force(objects and everything) or just track and terraforming caus' I can do either one.

Post April 28th, 2003, 6:23 pm

Posts: 9
Points on hand: 2,809.00 Points
Location: Canada
Thanks for the reply! Well I 'JUST' bought No limits a day ago, so it's gonna be a while before I know what's goin' on. I was kinda hoping to be a bit of a mooch and get someone else to just make the track... Then I can get into the terraform stuff later

Post April 28th, 2003, 6:45 pm

Posts: 2052
Points on hand: 4,906.00 Points
Location: USA


I'll get on it! This will be one of my tracks where I really work hard so the results will be at my best. You can expect the track to be done by Thursday if you want my absolute best. If not, than you'll get it much sooner (like tomarrow). No trouble at all for me to do extra if you want.[:p]By the way, is mooch a word you guys in Canada use or somethin'[?]

P.S. I'm not on the staff but I'll do it anyway.[;)]

Post April 28th, 2003, 6:53 pm

Posts: 2052
Points on hand: 4,906.00 Points
Location: USA

Oh yeah,

Can you convert the stats into mph/ft caus' I'm not that good at reading kmh/m.

**Edit: Never mind. Your not a mooch**

Post April 28th, 2003, 6:58 pm

Posts: 87
Points on hand: 3,554.00 Points
Location: Knoxville, TN, USA

Post April 28th, 2003, 7:01 pm

Posts: 9
Points on hand: 2,809.00 Points
Location: Canada
Wow! That soon?! Cool... The conversions are as follows

Speed 80.5 Kph is 50mph
Length 823 Meters is 2700 feet
Height 32 Meters is 105 feet

Post April 28th, 2003, 7:11 pm

Posts: 2052
Points on hand: 4,906.00 Points
Location: USA

Thanks but I went to and got the stats off one of the many Batman The Rides which is the exact same model as this. And I'm already done with the lift and first drop so the latest you can expevt it is Wednesday. School is always in the way![:(]

Post April 28th, 2003, 10:37 pm

Posts: 2052
Points on hand: 4,906.00 Points
Location: USA

The track is done with a few bumps that I have to work out before the supports but I have to do homework[:(!] right now so......yeah. Tommarow you can expect the track done.[8D](I hope)

Post April 29th, 2003, 6:54 am

Posts: 9
Points on hand: 2,809.00 Points
Location: Canada
You're nuts! One night to complete a track? Holy cow... I can barely figure out how to make a corner in the editor. Good job!

Post April 29th, 2003, 7:36 am

Posts: 947
Points on hand: 3,039.00 Points
Originally posted by moomox

You're nuts! One night to complete a track? Holy cow... I can barely figure out how to make a corner in the editor. Good job!

hee hee, i recommend you just download some good rated tracks here from the exchange so you can see how the advanced coaster builders do this. Just a few basic rules which always go wrong with beginners: Lifthill looks like a banana, always make it out of 3 pieces, begin, straight middle section and the end. You can see this on other peoples coasters. Brakeruns should always be straight just like stations, use right click and select make straight in the menu to make sure they are straight. Also try to prevent the train going to fast in some pieces of the track. You can do this buy just building your track bit by bit. For example, start with station and lift. first drop and loop. Then click connect and go testing. If everything seems fine just go on to the next part of the track for example an overbanked turn and cobra roll. Connect again and make a test ride again. If you notice G spikes (red G's) then go and try to correct them. Smoothing always is hard for beginners. Just do the best you can it is just a matter of getting skill and you'll gain it by just doing the best you can each and every coaster.

I also recommend you download some prefab elements from coastercandy (dead website, link removed) You can just insert these by click file and select insert element. If right you already have an element pack from Buster which comes with NL. If you notice your ride being to fast in an element during a test run just remove the element again and insert it again but scale it a bit bigger.

Well those were just some tips so your first track will be worth downloading [8D] For the really basic things like making turns just look at other people's tracks like i said before [:p]

Greetz GFA

Post April 29th, 2003, 9:14 am

Posts: 2052
Points on hand: 4,906.00 Points
Location: USA

I'm not a beginner.

In fact I actually have some really good tracks but I decide not to release them to the public.

Post April 29th, 2003, 1:34 pm

Posts: 947
Points on hand: 3,039.00 Points
Originally posted by SMer

In fact I actually have some really good tracks but I decide not to release them to the public.

duh, I was giving moomox some instructions for if he will build a track himself. I know your not a beginner since you contest entry was really [8D]

BTW, please don't make a seperate reply for each line you say. Just use the edit message instead if you wan't to add something to what you said (this button above the postImage) I did it for ya now.

Post April 29th, 2003, 4:57 pm

Posts: 2052
Points on hand: 4,906.00 Points
Location: USA

Post April 29th, 2003, 6:10 pm

Posts: 9
Points on hand: 2,809.00 Points
Location: Canada
Very much appreciated info. I've made some pretty whacked lookin tracks... so all this stuff is really a big help.


Post April 29th, 2003, 10:25 pm

Posts: 2052
Points on hand: 4,906.00 Points
Location: USA

BAD news! I was loading the track when I accidentally deleted it[:(] so it will be a while longer.

Post April 30th, 2003, 6:30 am

Posts: 9
Points on hand: 2,809.00 Points
Location: Canada
Whoops! That's really alright SMer. I'm just glad someone wanted to give it a try.

Thanks again!

Post April 30th, 2003, 5:02 pm

Posts: 2052
Points on hand: 4,906.00 Points
Location: USA

Post April 30th, 2003, 5:54 pm

Posts: 701
Points on hand: 2,947.00 Points
Location: Saint Louis, MO, USA
Please keep personal conversation in PM form. This is the public place for people to post. So, if anyone else wants to attempt it, they will post here. But from here forward, please contact eachother through PM's. Thank you [:)]

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