Board index Public Relations Contests 2011 Coaster Draft - Voting Info (Page 32)

2011 Coaster Draft - Voting Info (Page 32)

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Post August 6th, 2011, 8:04 am
hyyyper User avatar
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Round 1

1. ianko66 - Boulder Dash (Lake Compounce)
2. AJClarke0912 - Oblivion (Alton Towers)
3. Jellybeans - Thunderhead (Dollywood)
4. Jer - El Toro (Six Flags Great Adventure)
5. mkingy - Nemesis (Alton Towers)
6. devilsrule911 - MISSED
7. RideWarriorNation - Thunder Dolphin (LaQua)
8. spacemountainfan619 - California Screamin' (Disney's California Adventure)
9. cjd - T-Express (Everland)
10.Jonny Richey - Voyage (Holiday World)
11.ExTraxYz - Piraten (Djurs Sommerland)
12.Vid_w - Bizzaro (Six Flags New England)
13.hyyyper - (Expedition GeForce Holiday Park)
14.CKidd - Goliath (Walibi World)
15.bandman232 - Intimidator 305 (Kings Dominion)
16.Pad - Twister (Grona Lund)
17.dmillz - Phoenix (Knoebels)
18.yoshifreak - Maverick (Cedar Point)
19.GavG - New Texas Giant (Six Flags Over Texas)
20.Zack12 - Cheeta Hunt (Busch Gardens Tampa)
21.C Dude - MISSED
22.Bottom Feeder 13 - Ravine Flyer II (Waldameer)
23.Jakizle - iSpeed (Mirabilandia)
24.Tetsu - Balder (Liseberg)
25.gazag - Black Mamba (Phantasialand)
26.LeFlo - Katun (Mirabilandia)
27.fear the four - Volcano (Kings Dominion)
28.KrazyKoasterKid - Montu (Busch Gardens Tampa)
29.SkyLindlar - MISSED
30.highthrills - MISSED
31.Jcoasters - MISSED
32.Austin - MISSED

Round 2

1. mkingy - Hades (Mt. Olympus)
2. RideWarriorNation - Tonnere de Zeus (Parc Asterix)
3. spacemountainfan619 - Apollo's Chariot (Busch Gardens Williamsburg)
4. cjd - skip
5. Jonny Richey - Riddler's Revenge (Six Flags Magic Mountain)
6. ExTraxYz - Dragon Khan (Port Aventura)
7. Vid_w - Fireball (Happy Valley Songjiang)
8. hyyyper - Mountain Flyer (Knight Valley)
9. CKidd - Twister (Knoebels)
10.bandman232 - Diamondback (Kings Island)
11.Pad - Storm Runner (Herheypark)
12.dmillz - Nitro (Six Flags Great Adventure)
13.yoshifreak - Shivering Timbers (Michigan's Adventure)
14.GavG - Griffon (Busch Gardens Williamsburg)
15.Zack12 - Goliath (Six Flags Magic Mountain)
16.Bottom Feeder 13 - Blue Fire (Europa Park)
17.Jakizle - Pyrenees (Parque Espana)
18.Tetsu - Kawasemi (Tobu Zoo)
19.gazag - MISSED
20.LeFlo - El Toro (Freizeitpark Plohn)
21.fear the four - Legend (Holiday World)
22.KrazyKoasterKid - MISSED
23.SkyLindlar - MISSED
24.highthrills - MISSED
25.Jcoasters - MISSED
26.ianko66 - Kumba (Busch Gardens Tampa)
27.AJClarke0912 - Mystery Mine (Dollywood)
28.Jellybeans - MISSED
29.Jer - Talon (Dorney Park)

Round 3

1. Jonny Richey - Top Thrill Dragster (Cedar Point)
2. ExTraxYz - Joris en de Draak (Efteling)
3. Vid_w - MISSED
4. hyyyper - Alpengeist (Busch Gardens Williamsburg)
5. Ckidd - Hollywood Rip Ride Rocket (Universal Studios Florida)
6. bandman232 - MISSED
7. Pad - Phantom's Revenge (Kennywood)
8. dmillz - Afterburn (Carowinds)
9. yoshifreak - Raptor (Cedar Point)
10.GavG - Dragon Challenge (Islands of Adventure)
11.Zack12 - MISSED
12.Bottom Feeder 13 - Phaethon (Gyeongju World)
13.Jakizle - Goliath (Six Flags Over Georgia)
14.Tetsu - Flight Deck (California's Great America)
15.LeFlo - Goliath (La Ronde)
16.fear the four - Fly over Mediterranean (Happy Valley Chengdu)
17.ianko66 - Manta (SeaWorld Orlando)
18.AJClarke0912 - MISSED
19.Jellybeans - MISSED
20.Jer - Silverstar (Europapark)
21.mkingy - Krake (Heide Park)
22.RideWarriorNation - Tornado (Sarkanniemi)
23.spacemountainfan619 - MISSED
24.cjd - Mega-Lite (Happy Valley Songjiang), Prowler (Worlds of Fun)

Round 4

1. Ckidd - Formula Rossa (Ferrari World)
2. bandman232 - Magnum XL-200 (Cedar Point)
3. Pad - Raven (Holiday World)
4. dmillz - Tatsu (Six Flags Magic Mountain)
5. yoshifreak - Sky Scrapper (World Joyland)
6. GavG - Kingda Ka (Six Flags Great Adventure)
7. Zack12 - MISSED
8. Bottom Feeder 13 - Troy (Toverland)
9. Jakizle - Colossos (Heide Park)
10.Tetsu - Crystal Wing (Happy Valley Beijing)
11.LeFlo - Air (Alton Towers)
12.fear the four - Wooden Warrior (Quassy)
13.ianko66 - Battlestar Galactica (Universal Studios Singapore)
14.AJClarke0912 - MISSED
15.Jer - Extreme Rusher (Happy Valley Beijing)
16.mkingy - Boardwalk Bullet (Kemah Boardwalk)
17.RideWarriorNation - Great Bear (Hersheypark)
18.spacemountainfan619 - Silver Bullet (Knott's Berry Farm)
19.cjd - Superman Atraccion de Acera (Parque Warner Madrid)
20.Jonny Richey - Whizzer (Six Flags Great America)
21.ExTraxYz - Fluch von Novgorod (Hansapark)
22.Vid_w - Sheikra (Busch Gardens Tampa)
23.hyyyper - Boss (Six Flags St. Louis)

Round 5

1. yoshifreak - Behemoth (Canada's Wonderland)
2. GavG - Megafobia (Oakwood)
3. Bottom Feeder 13 - Steel Dragon 2000 (Nagashima Spa Land)
4. Jakizle - Takabisha (Fuji Q Highland)
5. Tetsu - Tennesse Tornado (Dollywood)
6. LeFlo - Anubis (Plopsaland de Panne)
7. fear the four - Fahrenheit (Hersheypark)
8. ianko66 - Xcelerator (Knott's Berry Farm)
9. Jer - Speed No Limits (Oakwood)
10.mkingy - Kanonen (Liseberg)
11.RideWarriorNation - MISSED
12.spacemountainfan619 - Giant Dipper (Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk)
13.cjd - Millennium Force (Cedar Point)
14.Jonny Richey - American Eagle (Six Flags Great America)
15.ExTraxYz - Tremors (Silverwood)
16.Vid_w - Speed Monster (Tusenfryd)
17.hyyyper - Furius Baco (Port Aventura)
18.Ckidd - Raptor (Gardaland)
19.bandman232 - Medusa (Six Flags Discovery Kingdom)
20.Pad - Incredible Hulk (Islands of Adventure)
21.dmillz - Powder Keg (Silver Dollar City)

Round 6

1. Tetsu - INVALID
2. LeFlo - Wildfire (Silver Dollar City)
3. fear the four - X2 (Six Flags Magic Mountain)
4. ianko66 - Atlantis Adventure (Lotte World)
5. Jer - Kraken (Seaworld Orlando)
6. mkingy - Intimidator (Carowinds)
7. RideWarriorNation - Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain (Indiana Beach)
8. spacemountainfan619 - Vortex (Kings Island)
9. cjd - Rampage (Alabama Adventure)
10.Jonny Richey - Jubilee Odyssee (Fantasyland)
11.ExTraxYz - Wild Train (Erlebnispark Strasswalchen)
12.Vid_w - Dominator (Kings Dominion)
13.hyyyper - Gwazi (Busch Gardens Tampa)
14.Ckidd - 1066 (Festyland)
15.bandman232 - MISSED
16.Pad - Dare Devil Dive (Six Flags Over Georgia)
17.dmillz - Lightning Racer (Hersheypark)
18.yoshifreak - MISSED
19.GavG - Superman Ride of Steel (Six Flags America)
20.Bottom Feeder 13 - Mindbender (Six Flags Over Georgia)
21.Jakizle - New Mexico Rattler (Cliff's)

Round 7

1. Jer - Renegade (Valleyfair)
2. mkingy - Daemonen (Tivoli Gardens)
3. RideWarriorNation - Superman Ultimate Flight (Six Flags Over Georgia)
4. spacemountainfan619 - Desperado (Buffalo Bill's)
5. cjd - Expedition Everest (Disney's Animal Kingdom)
6. Jonny Richey - Kumali (Flamingoland)
7. ExTraxYz - Batman La Fuga (Parque Warner Madrid)
8. Vid_w - Monster (Walygator)
9. hyyyper - Superman Krypton Coaster (Six Flags Fiesta Texas)
10.Ckidd - Great White (Morey's Piers)
11.Pad - Grand National (Blackpool Pleasure Beach)
12.dmillz - Big Thunder Mountain (Disneyland Paris)
13.yoshifreak - Cornball Express (Indiana Beach)
14.GavG - MISSED
15.Bottom Feeder 13 - Falken (Farup Sommerland)
16.Jakizle - Space Fantasy (Universal Studios Japan)
17.Tetsu - Sooperdooperlooper (Hersheypark)
18.LeFlo - Freischutz (Bayern Park)
19.fear the four - Flight Deck (Kings Island)
20.ianko66 - Kentucky Rumbler (Beech Bend)

Round 8

1. cjd - Mindbender (Galaxyland)
2. Jonny Richey - Dragon Mountain (Marine World)
3. ExTraxYz - Gravity Max (Discovery World)
4. Vid_w - Rutschebanen (Tivoli Gardens)
5. hyyyper - Shock Wave (Six Flags Over Texas)
6. Ckidd - Bizarro (Six Flags Great Adventure)
7. Pad - MISSED
8. dmillz - Supersonic Oddysey (Cosmo's World)
9. yoshifreak - Lisebergbanan (Liseberg)
10.GavG - Big Dipper (Blackpool Pleasure Beach)
11.Bottom Feeder 13 - G'sengte Sau (Tripsdrill)
12.Jakizle - Insane (Grona Lund)
13.Tetsu - Thunderhawk (Dorney Park)
14.LeFlo - Heisse Fahrt (Klotten)
15.fear the four - Green Lantern (Six Flags Great Adventure)
16.ianko66 - Anaconda (Gold Reef City)
17.Jer - Kvasten (Grona Lund)
18.mkingy - Tower of Terror (Gold Reef City)
19.RideWarriorNation - MISSED
20.spacemountainfan619 - Yankee Cannonball (Canobie Lake Park)

2011 CoasterCrazy CoasterDraft

Welcome to one of the most popular games for roller coaster fans, the annual coasterdraft. In this game, everybody tries to compose their ?????????dream park????????? by combining rollercoasters from all over the world.

So, how does this game work? Very simply put, everybody takes turns picking currently operating coasters, and eventually the parks will be filled with lots of different coasters. At the end, a vote from both competitors and forum members will decide which park has the best collection of rollercoasters.

Ok, what do I need to do to join? Everybody on this forum can join this game, however, there are some requirements:
????????? You must have made at least 50 posts on the CoasterCrazy forum, or have uploaded at least 5 tracks/parks in the exchange.
????????? You must have time. Players must check the CoasterDraft topic once every 24 hours.
????????? You must have even more time. This game tends to run until October or November.

So, before you sign up, please keep in mind that this requires dedication, and the game runs the smoothest with dedicated members playing.

Still want to join? Simply place a post in this topic stating clearly that you want to join. Deadline for sign-ups is August 21st 11:59 PM, Site time. Participation is limited to 100 members.

If you have signed up, that you can start reading the complete set of rules below:

The start

Once everybody has signed up, it is time to make a list of the player in which order they will pick their rollercoasters. Once the sign-ups have closed, I will give the signal and every player must pick a number between 1 and 100 (1 and 100 can also be picked). You must post your lucky number in the topic and you cannot choose a number that has already been chosen.

Once everybody has picked a number, or when the time has run out, I will use a random number generator to generate a random number. The distance between the lucky number you chose and the random number generated determines where you stand in the list. The closer to the random number you picked your lucky number, the higher up you start.

If players are at equal distance from the random number (for example, the random number is 50, and two players picked 40 and 60), then the player who picked their number first, will be placed ahead of the other player.

Players that did not pick a lucky number will be placed on the bottom of the list in the order they signed up.

Depending on the number of sign-ups, it is possible that players will be split up into multiple separate drafts.

The rounds

The Coasterdraft consists of 10 rounds where you will try to pick a rollercoaster. It is possible that by missing turns or other circumstances that you will not be able to fill your park with 10 rollercoasters. Depending on the number of players, the amount of rounds could be changed.

Every round starts with the start sign of the draft leader (that would be me). From that point, the first person on the list will have 24 hours to pick a coaster. These 24 hours start as soon as the post is made, so that you can easily check the deadline of every player by adding one day to the timestamp of the previous post. For example, if the round is started at:

09/23/2011 : 9:20:13 PM

The next player must pick a coaster before:

09/24/2011 : 9:20:13 PM

Once a player has picked a coaster, the next player is up and he must pick a coaster within 24 hours, starting from the post in which the previous player made his pick.

If a player is unable to pick a coaster and misses the turn, the next player is up and he must pick a coaster within 24 hours starting from the moment the previous deadline was passed, or 48 hours from the pick before the missed turn (or round start post).

Once all of the players have either picked a coaster or missing their turn, the round ends. Then the list is rotated. This means that the top players will be moved to the bottom, and everybody else is moved up. How many players will be rotated each round will depend on the number of players.

Valid coasters

When it is your turn, you may pick a coaster. The coaster must be operating at the time of the pick. On default, will be used as a reference, unless there is a more reliable source available.
Rollercoasters that are picked by another member, cannot be picked again. This includes disqualified members.

Rollercoasters that are closed become of seasonal closing, or down from regular maintenance can be picked.

Rollercoasters that are down because of an accident or investigations, or coasters that are Standing But Not Operating cannot be picked.

Rollercoasters that are not yet officially opened can only be picked once the ride has (soft)opened to the public. VIP or employee openings do not count.

Travelling rollercoasters cannot be picked. The rollercoaster must stand in an amusement park, or something similar.

If a coaster closes down after it has been picked, the pick will remain valid. Even if the ride is dismantled or hit by a meteor.

Dueling/Racing coasters

Dueling and Racing coasters will be counted as one rollercoaster. But this gives an unfair advantage, and players could end up with twice as much coasters in their park than other players. In order to makes things more fair, you must miss a turn once you pick your 2nd, 4th ?????????. dueling or racing rollercoaster. For example, if you pick Dragon Challenge in round 1, and Lightning Racer in round 2, you cannot pick a coaster the next round. This goes for every second dueling or racing coaster you choose.

This skipped/missed turn will not be counted as truly missed turn, as explained below.

Dueling and racing coasters cannot be picked separately.

Missing turns

If you fail to pick a valid coaster when it is your turn, the turn will be marked ?????????missed?????????. If you pick a coaster that is not valid (say, Drachen Fire), then you have until your deadline to correct it. However, if the next person in line picks his coasters before you can correct your mistake, your turn will be ?????????missed?????????.
Since we only want determined players, you will be disqualified if you miss two turns in a row, or three turns in total.

Skipping turns

Since it is almost impossible to have access to internet from such a long time, each player can skip two rounds. If you know you will not be able to make a pick in the upcoming or current round, simply pm me or post it in the topic before your deadline. Then, on your next pick, you can pick two rollercoasters.

If you skip two rounds in a row, you can pick 3 rollercoasters the next round. Your regular pick plus the two skipped round coasters.
If you happen to miss the round in which you could cash in extra coaster, it will only count as one missed turn and the extra coaster can be picked the next round.

If you only pick one coaster in the round where you are supposed to pick two, you will lose the extra coaster, but it will not be counted as a missed round.

Trading coasters

If you want a rollercoaster from another player, and he would like one of yours, you may trade the rollercoasters. You must then both post the trade in the topic, and the coasters will be traded.
You can only trade one coasters for another, not two coasters for a single one. The exception to this are dueling and racing coasters.


If you do not want to continue playing, can either stop, or find a replacement. The replacing player must meet the requirements that are listed above. If the quitting player has missed turns, the replacing player can picked those missed coasters on his first turn. If a player quits, the rollercoasters picked by that players will not become available for other players.

End of the draft

Once all the rounds are over, every player must send in a park name. After that, players and forum members will vote and the combined results of those votes will determine the winner of the coasterdraft.

Please note that I wrote the rules deep in the night, so if there is anything wrong, confusing or dumb in the rules, feel free to comment.



I'm sorry I did not post this sooner, but it is UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES allowed to EDIT A POST IN WHICH YOU PICK A COASTER.
I do not care if you made a typo, or if you forgot to add the park name or whatever the reason.
In this case you are allowed to create a 2nd post, where necessary.
If you edit your post YOUR PICK WILL BECOME INVALID.

Please keep this in mind to prevent disappointment.
Last edited by hyyyper on November 9th, 2011, 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post August 6th, 2011, 8:38 am
GavG Premium Member
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Post August 6th, 2011, 9:01 am

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Post August 6th, 2011, 9:49 am
mkingy User avatar

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Post August 6th, 2011, 10:52 am

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Sign me up!
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy:
The more time I spend on this website adds more to the impression that this has become a daycare.

Post August 6th, 2011, 11:07 am

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Post August 6th, 2011, 11:08 am
Tetsu Premium Member
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No invitationals this year? Ahh well, Ill get in on it to.

Post August 6th, 2011, 11:30 am

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Post August 6th, 2011, 1:00 pm

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I haven't done one of these before, but it looks really fun.

One question (since I don't know how this game operates) - does theme count or is it purely rides? For instance, would it be a bad idea to include Dragon Challenge (Harry Potter) and Millennium Force (space-future) in the same park?

Post August 6th, 2011, 2:15 pm

Posts: 529
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Count me in! I've got plenty of spare time!
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Post August 6th, 2011, 3:11 pm

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Post August 6th, 2011, 3:32 pm
Jer User avatar

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I'm in again this year.
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Post August 6th, 2011, 3:36 pm

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I am on vacation from 8/11 to 8/23. How long will the "pick a number" part last?

If it's more than 2 days, count me in : I want to join. [:)]

Post August 6th, 2011, 3:48 pm

Posts: 228
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I'm in
Oh are you confused about where the reply is? Well look directly above this and kablammo! There it is!

Post August 6th, 2011, 3:54 pm
gouldy User avatar
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I'm out this time, too much going on at the moment to guarantee I'll be around.

Post August 6th, 2011, 4:15 pm

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I'm in.
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Originally posted by richie5126
T: all newtons on this site are smooth so this must be high.

Post August 6th, 2011, 4:29 pm

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Post August 6th, 2011, 4:47 pm

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Post August 6th, 2011, 5:44 pm

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Post August 6th, 2011, 6:14 pm
yoshifreak Premium Member
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Post August 6th, 2011, 7:17 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by Tetsu

No invitationals this year? Ahh well, Ill get in on it to.

Even after many years of hosting, I still do not know in what format the Draft is best hosted, so every year I'm taking a little different set-up to see which way is best. So this year there no limit to the number of sign-ups, making it unnecessary to give the winners of previous year an invitation.

Originally posted by AJClarke0912

I haven't done one of these before, but it looks really fun.

One question (since I don't know how this game operates) - does theme count or is it purely rides? For instance, would it be a bad idea to include Dragon Challenge (Harry Potter) and Millennium Force (space-future) in the same park?

The way it is judged depends on the members and players who will vote at the end of the draft. Some like a park with thrill coasters while other members and players desire a more balanced park. Perhaps there are some that look specifically for theming conflicts, I dunno.

Originally posted by LeFLO

I am on vacation from 8/11 to 8/23. How long will the "pick a number" part last?

If it's more than 2 days, count me in : I want to join. [:)]

It's more than two days

Post August 7th, 2011, 2:37 am
RideWarriorNation User avatar
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Post August 7th, 2011, 3:59 am

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Post August 7th, 2011, 11:03 am

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Sign me up.
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Post August 8th, 2011, 7:51 am

Posts: 585
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why cant we have this, and have a contest on who can build the better of a certain company :D


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