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Need help with scripting and adding station music

Post your Nolimits 2 scripts here! Also any discussion regarding scription for NoLimits Coaster 2 should be placed in this forum

Posts: 4
Points on hand: 7,278.00 Points
I want to add the Demon soundtrack to/for the Demon ( in the Great America Coasters park I downloaded and have it play in the station, but how? Can anyone PLEASE give me a step-by-step process on how to script and save the file and then add it to the ride? I would really appreciate it!

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Location: Hopkins, Minnesota, USA
you should check out bestdani's sound spheres

I used them for the sound in my Valleyfair project. I don't think there are any ways to have triggers or anything but they play sounds and music where you want and you can adjust it.

I guess he updated it now you can have triggers! YAY! THANKS BESTDANI!!!

p.s. look through his other stuff. there are a lot of useful things.

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