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[SM] Rocket Building 101 contest results

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Post February 15th, 2004, 11:36 pm
Kev True Addicts
True Addicts

Posts: 1006
Points on hand: 3,347.00 Points
Location: Oklahoma, USA
First off, I want to thank sns2015, coasterbum, and shaggszgn for submitting tracks for this contest. For a while there, I didn't think anybody was going to participate. I'm glad that you guys did, and I hope to see you all in the next contest. [8D] Anyway, on to the results:

Third Place

by: sns2015


Technical: Kev-20/WWS-15 Avg: 17.5
Excitement: Kev-20/WWS-10 Avg: 15.0
Originality: Kev-16/WWS-20 Avg: 18.0
Bonus: Kev-03/WWS-00 Avg: 01.5

Total: 52.0

Kev's comments: Fairly interesting track, but had a few technical flaws. First off, the lateral Gs were a little bit high, mostly because of improper banking and rough transitions into the turns. Try using more segments to better control your banking, and keep practicing to get the shaping better into your turns. You also lost a lot of excitment points due to not managing your speed better. As I said in the beginning, it was an interesting layout with a few pops of airtime. I would have liked to have seen some inversions though (quote from the contest scenario: "They want all of the fun and excitement that you would find from riding a looping coaster, hypercoaster, or even wooden coaster"). Finally, I gave you a few bonus points for good tree placement.

Weeweeslap's comments: Bumpy, not good transitions, excessive lateral g's etc etc etc. (He's a man of many words, eh? [lol])

Second Place

by: Coasterbum


Technical: Kev-32/WWS-35 Avg: 33.5
Excitement: Kev-22/WWS-25 Avg: 23.5
Originality: Kev-21/WWS-27 Avg: 24.0
Bonus: Kev-09/WWS-02 Avg: 05.5

Total: 86.5

Kev's comments: This was a very solid track, and almost took the top spot for me. You track and support work was great aside from the lateral Gs being too high, and I liked the extras that you provided with it. The only problem was that the speed wasn't managed to its fullest. The trains slowed down too much going over the hills, which costed you some excitement points. Also, like sns2015, you didn't add any inversions as was requested in the contest scenario. Otherwise, this was a very nice track!

Weeweeslap's comments: good nice adrenalistic layout, few minor bumps and g instances, very minopr though. Good colors and good work on laying it all out.

First Place

Storm Chaser
by: shaggszgn


Technical: Kev-35/WWS-38 Avg: 36.5
Excitement: Kev-25/WWS-30 Avg: 27.5
Originality: Kev-21/WWS-29 Avg: 25.0
Bonus: Kev-05/WWS-05 Avg: 05.0

Total: 94

Kev's comments: Very nice track! Your tech work was very good, aside from a few bumps here and there. Lateral Gs went a little over the contest guidelines also. Other than that, very nice track and support building. The layout was very cool with lots of twists, turns, and airtime, but like the other two contestants, you forgot to add inversions as was requested in the scenario. Speed was managed pretty good too, with the only exception being at the top of the first hill, which felt a little too slow. Nice cartexture too!

Weeweeslap's comments: good great track work in this one, good technique in maneuvers, good adrenaline, good pacing and good job at smoothing it out.


Congratulations to Shaggszgn for winning this contest, and thanks again to you guys for participating. I hope to see all of you (and hopefully even more!) in the next contest, which should be announced in a few days. [:)]

PS - I will upload your tracks shortly.

Post February 16th, 2004, 6:37 pm

Posts: 332
Points on hand: 4,463.00 Points
Location: Brookpark, OH, OH, USA

Sweet! If I would of read the scenario, my track would of been much, much better. [lol] Realy I'm abit surprised that I did win, I spend roughly 12 hours total on this track.

Post February 17th, 2004, 3:06 am

Posts: 231
Points on hand: 67,131.00 Points
Location: CA, USA

Post February 17th, 2004, 9:59 am

Posts: 1008
Points on hand: 5,120.00 Points
Location: Illinois, USA

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