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The Rules Of CoasterCrazy!

Main Business

Post August 11th, 2014, 8:16 pm
TTD03 User avatar
True Addicts
True Addicts

Posts: 7307
Points on hand: 738.00 Points
Bank: 111,265.11 Points
These are the rules of By using this site you acknowledge all rules and will abide by them. Any time a rule is broken the culprit may be punished with but not limited to Warning, Account Suspensions, or even Account and/or IP Banning.

Private messages
Private messages sent at can be read at any time read by moderators or administrators. They can be read for any reason and you give up your right to privacy upon registering at this website.

Normal Members
Normal members may not promote any other websites. If linking to an image on another site, link to the image directly. No super long links that stretch out the pages here. Normal members may not have images in their signatures.

Premium Users
You may BBCode link your websites. You may use image signatures no bigger than standard banner size. Standard banner size is 468 pixels by 60 pixels. You may not use both text and image sigs at the same time. Chose one or the other. Only five lines of text allowed. No super long links that stretch out the pages here. All graphics must be static and non animated.

You can break any of these rules, except making your images ridiculously large to make the site look cheap. No long links to stretch the page etc.

The rules are non negotiable. If found not abiding by these rules, your signature will be removed and points will be deducted based on the severity of the crime. These points are not refundable.

Treatment Towards Others
We expect that your posts will not be degrading in any way towards other members. We expect you to treat everyone with respect and try to keep disputes at a minimum. If an issue should arise between members, we ask you to not take it out on the forum or exchange. We don't care what you do as long as it does not display on If you find something offensive, we ask you to report it by clicking on the report button next to the post or rate, or you can create a topic in the Complaints forum. Please provide a link to the topic of malice and an explanation and what you think should be done. We'll handle it from there. We reserve the right to lock your account and even go for a full permanent banning if we find that the material posted on the forum deserves such action.

Warez / Illegal Distribution of Programs
You will not solicit or post anything that will gain other members access to programs free that otherwise they would have to pay for. Not only is that illegal, but we do not support that on these forums. If caught soliciting warez or caught handing out warez on this website, your account is subject to immediate termination at our own will. Also, do not solicit or post instructions on how to obtain warez.
Warez means obtaining programs for free that otherwise you would have to pay for.

Pictures, Videos, Quote Links
We ask you to provide a link to the original author's website or the mention of the original's author name of any images, videos or quotes that you might post on the forum. This is to protect you from copyright problems. We will not be held responsible for your actions. If we find a post that violates this, we will try to correct it by placing the proper info in your topic by editing it. If we cannot find it then we will contact you and wait for your action, if no action is taken we'll delete the topic for your sake.

Points Robbery
You can steal points, but you must follow all the rules and instructions on the robbery page. You will be subject to termination if you break any of the robbery rules or do not follow instructions correctly and cause chaos.

Track Exchange Rules
  • Malicious Ratings
    You will not rate other people's tracks maliciously. You will be required to rate with your upmost honest rating. Do not down rate other people simply because you have a coaster running in the same week as the other people that you are rating. If we find malicious ratings we will delete your rating and warn you. If we find that you are doing these malicious ratings as a habit, we reserve the right to lock your account and also reserve the right to completely ban you from the website. So rate honestly and fairly to everyone. Also do not rate on a preferential basis. That is, rate your friend higher than someone you don't know. We also look into high ratings to see if the coaster deserves that. We discuss it among the Moderators and Administrators and come to an agreement on a result. If you find a malicious rating bring it to the Moderators and Administrator's attention by clicking the report button to the right of the rating, or post the complaint in the Complaints forum.

You will not upload tracks that are not made by you. If we find stolen tracks, we will lock your account and notify you via e-mail. We will explain why your account was locked and if you can give us a good explanation we'll let you back into the website. We ask you to upload your own original coaster work. If a user has given you permission to modify one of their existing tracks, we ask you to give credit to the original user and a way to contact them in case we want to confirm this. We hope you understand this rule as it is essential to prevent cheaters and thieves from plaguing the website. You may not upload tracks of other people here, only tracks made by you can be uploaded by you.

Files and Images
All files and images uploaded to become property of thus will contain copyrights of the material uploaded, with due credit. This rule applies to all tracks, images and people. No one is excluded from this rule. If you would not like this rule to apply to you, then ask one of the administrators to remove your track from the exchange. We can use your images and tracks in the advertisement of this website. We can use them in revenue generating ways as in selling products or any other way we would like to use it. We will make the best attempt to give credit to the original maker of the work. However, you are not entitled to ask for payment of your work. What's uploaded simply becomes property.

Website Rules
  • Age
    You have to be 13 years old at least to register. If you are younger you need your parents permission to register on this website. If we find out that you are younger than the stated age rules, we will terminate your account until we receive confirmation that your parents allowed you to register.

Copyright Info. & External Linking
Anything that you post on this website automatically becomes property of All of our images, videos and files uploaded at are automatically copyrighted. Linking our images or files uploaded at the track exchange on other sites is not permitted. We want you to enjoy the site as much as we enjoy supplying it to you. Now, with that said, if we find leechers, that is people externally linking their files on other websites directly from here, we reserve the right to delete your track immediately and without notice. If you want other people to download it, have them register here at the website and then they can go ahead and download it. If you continue to abuse this, we reserve the right to delete all your tracks and lock your account. We cannot allow people to abuse this, all we ask is that you are registered to download the track, if you want to externally link, then contact us about it and we can come up to an agreement about it.

Spamming and Harassment
We at do not allow spammers. If you receive e-mails stating that you opted in for e-mail that does not come directly from us, we urge you to contact us at Or, you may PM any of the Moderators or Administrators. If a company contacts you stating that opted you in, they are lying. We will never sell the e-mail list that we have. We value your privacy and we know how annoying receiving junk mail is. We will stand by this 100%. Now with that said, any spammer that is found to be spamming the members of this site, we will take legal action against you. We will go through the trouble of collecting evidence in the form, of jpeg images and forwarded e-mails, and more your spamming. We will prosecute to the maximum as per allowed by the spamming bureau. You are also not allowed to spam people via private messaging either. Same course of action will be taking and the private messaging logs will be accessed and retrieved as evidence. You will also not harass members through e-mails or through the forums. In any way we will seek who the one committing the harassment is and will take the appropriate course of action as well.

General Contest Rules
For all contests, all contestants are expected to play nicely. We ask you to not cheat on these contests. If the contests is on a one by one basis, which 99% of them are, you are not allowed to get help from other users. You can use premade environments and premade objects from other users. But you cannot ask someone else to make them for you. If you used stuff from other people, give credit to the original author of the item/s you used. We expect that you'll use your own made elements but you can use prefabs as well but the more custom, self made elements the higher your score count. In contest pertaining to graphics, once you submit your work to us, it is then considered to be property of We hold the copyright but we will give limited amount of credit when we feel it is due. Any site logo contest does not mean that the winning logo will replace the current website logos. These are contest as to make promotions of the site or to make items for sale with the logo or to add to an ads page so people can select them to use on their sites as they wish. We are in no way obligated to pay you or compensate you for your work. All graphics done in a contest and submitted are given to us free and you will not receive any monetary compensation, even if we use your graphics to sell our items. Well, that's basically it. No cheating, give credit where it's due and always post questions in the topic of where the challenge was started!

Other General Rules:
1. You may not create/have more than one account. We (except Meta) are not dumb and we will figure out if you have more than one account registered on the site. If we find that you are guilty of having more than one account on the site, we will delete all of your accounts except your primary account and you will be warned.
2. You will not double post. If we find that you are constantly double posting (take that with a grain of salt), we will warn you, and possibly issue a temporary ban.
3. Don't be generally rude to other users. If you are only here to cause trouble, we have the right to issue you a temporary or permanent ban.
4. Parents with special needs children, please be aware of what your children are posting on this site because we are not responsible for how our members react/respond to your children's posts.

Thank you for your cooperation and we hope you enjoy your time here on CoasterCrazy!

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