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Vegetation Collision when using Track packager (extracting)

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Posts: 274
Points on hand: 2,475.00 Points
So, if you didn't know, the original version of the Mac track packager doesn't work for the most recent operating systems. I see there's an updated version below but it looks like the link is dead, and regardless I always really resented not having access to almost any tools for NL1 on the Mac. When NL2 came out I decided to go the Bootcamp route to be able to run it on my Mac rather than wait another year (at least) for the Mac version, and while I was at it also purchased NL1 for the PC side, so at the very least I could download packaged tracks again and fool around with some tools (like Newton) that I never had the opportunity to use.

Everything is working A-OK except for one thing. I notice that a lot of times when I unpackage a track (or maybe also sometimes if it's just a plain old track file, can't remember) there are a TON of collisions, mostly with vegetation. Some of these tracks are ones made by some of the NL greats, and I'm quite certain that the collisions aren't just sloppy. One track that was low to the ground and had a lot of trees was more covered in vegetation than not.

Is this a known issue? Is it just me? Anything that can be done? It's not the end of the world and otherwise all the tracks are working fine, but damn is it annoying.



yeah, like that.
Last edited by zacattack1104 on February 8th, 2014, 3:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post February 8th, 2014, 3:53 pm

Posts: 2892
Points on hand: 9,697.00 Points
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The track packager is usually bad at packing/unpacking environments. If you didn't manually install the environment, then it probably isn't there. The designer can use the environment file to change the size of trees. So in the default environment, it looks like what you have pictured. But in the custom environment, the trees would be smaller and possibly have a custom texture.

Post February 8th, 2014, 3:57 pm

Posts: 274
Points on hand: 2,475.00 Points
That did it, thanks. I was able to just select track default for the problem I took the screenshot of.

The only thing I don't know that I know how to do is manually install the environment if the track is only a package, and not split into discrete parts. Or in that case is it usually not an issue, and I should just check in the environment settings to make sure it's right?

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