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Winjas Fear & Force by Rotzi

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Post November 9th, 2010, 9:23 am

Posts: 7
Points on hand: 86.00 Points
Location: Germany
Finaly!!After about 165 Hours intensive Work in nine Month I wanna introducce to you
my fourth Big Coaster Project after Black Mamba,Colorado Adventure and Blue Fire :

Winjas Fear & Force

The technical Specifications (fit to my Project,but nearly close to the Original):

Maurer S?????????hne Xtended SC 3000

Track: Force Fear
Length: 510 m 565 m
Height: 17.4 m 17.4 m
Drop: 14 m 16 m
Inversions: 0 0
Speed: 37.3 mph (60 km/h) 41 mph (66 km/h)
Max Vertical Angle: 45 Degrees 50 Degrees

Building Time for the Track: 25 Hours
Building Time for the Supports: 10 Hours
Building Time for the Scenery: 130 Hours

- Because No Limits does`t allow two parallel Tracks, both Tracks are a bit different at the End,so that you arrive at the Force,when you start with the Fear (even better,if you want to test both Tracks)
- Because no Horizontal Lift is possible in NL,it is realized with a 90????????? Lift,but in complete Darkness,
so that you don`t feel the Difference
- The Downforce Function at the End is not realisable
- It`s recommended to go through the copmlete Scenery from the Entrance,to discover the World of the Winjas with all particulars.Herefor change to the Fly-Mode with "E" and then navigate with "W,A,S und D".Special Attention to the Q-line and the big Rotunde in the Middle of the Hall
- In the Editor you can see in the Top-View,how the Coaster was built above the Floor Plan

Have Fun ridung it and don`t forget to rate!


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