Talon during testing!

Hydra's Nice Zero-g-Roll!

The hangtime glory JoJo roll!

Close up of Steel force's Lift hill!

Another Photo of Steel force

Hydra and Thunderhawk w/ a Pink and purple sky?! BEAUTIFUL. ( Tons of people were crowding around the area to take pictures LOL )

Something is lurking through the fog....

I was so hyped about the smoke machines for some odd reason..

Possessed being undertaken by smoke!

Hydra's Sign at night.... Banshee's sign is still better though

Ouch... so bright..

Thats it for the photos

It was a dead day, so here were my coaster totals if anyone was wondering
Talon x7
Hydra x6
Steel force x4
Possessed x2
Stinger x2
Wild mouse x1
Kiddie coaster x1