The primary goal is to have accurate recreations of all the current major coasters. That's Kingda Ka, El Toro, Runaway Mine Train, Bizarro, Superman: Ultimate Flight, Green Lantern, Batman: The Ride, and Nitro. Recreations of these coasters should be built in NL2 (not imported from NL1), should have colors and car textures that are as accurate as reasonably possible, should be built using an overlay as a guide (provided in this post), must use heartlining when appropriate, must pass clearance and e-stop/block tests (goes without saying, really) and should have properly functioning storage and transfer tracks, proper block names, and appropriate station music. You're welcome to take minor liberties with your coasters to improve operation/capacity, as long as the ride experience remains as accurate as reasonably possible. If you're doing a coaster, you don't have to do your own scenery or even your own car textures or station music. It's a collaborative project, you can do as much or as little as you want.
The other coasters (Skull Mountain, Dark Knight, Blackbeard, Road Runner Railway) are considered minor. They're either indoors and rely heavily on scenery, or are kiddie coasters that don't have an appropriate coaster type in NL2. Anyone is welcome to tackle any of these, of course.
Past coasters are acceptable as long as they will not conflict with a present coaster or ride. For example, Rolling Thunder might be OK if it can coexist with Zumanjaro's queue, but it will have to come out of anyone wants to put in El Diablo. Chiller would be OK as long as it doesn't conflict with Dark Knight. On the other hand, Scream Machine would definitely conflict with Green Lantern, so it's out.
"Future" coasters are OK as well. Have a great idea for a new coaster in an unused area of the park? Go ahead and build it! Just make sure it doesn't conflict with any current coasters. Keep in mind that if the park actually builds a coaster that conflicts with your "future" one, a recreation of the new coaster will take priority.
The same goes for flat rides. Present ones are top priority, past and future ones can be included as well as long as they don't conflict with anything presently in the park.
The way this will work is that anyone who wants to contribute can make a claim in this thread. This claim can be an existing or past coaster, a flat ride or collection of them, an area of scenery, terrain shaping or painting, an addition to a coaster like car textures, scenery, or station music, an area of land to build a future coaster, or really anything you want. I'll keep this post updated with all the claims, and each person who makes a claim will be provided with a high-resolution overlay from Google Earth Pro of their claimed area. Overlays for all the incomplete major coasters are posted below. Once your claimed project is done, send it to me and I'll integrate it into the main park file (also available for download below).
CURRENT CLAIMS AND STATUS (if anyone already on here wants their ride and claim removed or updated, let me know!)
Kingda Ka (incl. station and queue) - Dusso Janladde - Complete and integrated
Zumanjaro - Projektion - Complete and integrated
Batman: The Ride - TallonD83 - Complete and integrated
Superman: Ultimate Flight - DechLave - Nearly complete
Plaza Del Carnival/ El Toro- mkj3322- Complete, coaster integrated, scenery integration in progress
Various Ride Station/Queue Music- TTD03- Incomplete
Modeling-screamingchicken77- Incomplete
New coaster for 2016- Togo Fan/cool5- Incomplete
Various Park Photos- Brawly- Incomplete/Complete
Bizarro- DechLave - Complete and integrated
Green Lantern - DechLave - Complete and integrated
Nitro - DechLave - Complete and integrated
Dark Knight (coaster only) - Dusso Janladde - Complete and integrated
The master park file: Available on Google Drive and Dropbox. It will be kept up to date in both of these locations. If anyone wants to work on it directly, feel free to do so and send your updated file to me.
Starter kits for major coasters: All include a high-resolution (4800 pixel) overlay from Google Earth Pro that's scaled and rotated properly. Some include more, such as the start of the coaster with the colors, station and transfer/storage tracks set up, or even car textures. You may modify them however you want, even treat them as your own work. You will need to enable the overlay manually in NL2's preferences.
Nitro, Overlay, colors, station music, car textures, transfer/storage, station, pre-lift, lift feeders, lift, almost all footers.
El Toro, Overlay, colors, train logos, station, transfer/storage, holding brake.
Runaway Mine train, Overlay and station music.
Bizarro, Overlay, colors, station, storage/transfer, holding brake.
Superman, Overlay only.
Green Lantern, Overlay only.
And a few pics of current progress:

The full park with the overlay in the editor. The overlay is 4800x4800px and fills the entire NL2 workspace and then some. If you look closely, you can see Kingda Ka and Batman in place and some parking lot and concrete terrain painting done.

Batman, seen from the location of the fountain

Kingda Ka and Zumanjaro from the same spot

Batman, by TallonD83. The location of the sign is accurate.

Kingda Ka, with car textures by TallonD83 and Zumanjaro by Projektion. The station is a placeholder as the final one is incomplete.